Lacombe Ford has knowledgeable and dedicated Wholesale Parts Representatives to help make getting your parts and supplies easy
Over $1 Million in inventory available on hand
Professional accessory and decaling division, specializing in Fleet applications
Motorcraft, Omnicraft and Ford parts for all makes and models
Quarterly Ford of Canada training and certification completed by all of our parts representatives
100kms delivery service

Order parts online 24/7 and directly from Lacombe Ford
Easy to use app that communicates with your computer dashboard
Find vehicle specific parts easily with VIN scanner
Full pricing and inventory details live

PSN Program
Quarterly rebates on Ford, Motorcraft and Omnicraft purchases
Receive a Welcome kit with promotional materials
Gain access to vital service information for Ford and Lincoln vehicles that includes workshop manuals, technical service bulletins, field service action bulletins (including recalls) and more

Collisionlink for Body Shops
OEM Parts procurement system
Access tens of thousands of OEM parts that qualify for discounts
24/7 parts order management for all makes and models
Improve parts order accuracy with OEM provided VIN details
The only OEM data sourced procurement platform
Integration with Mitchell Repair Center, Mitchell Cloud Estimating, ProfitNet, and PartsTrader
Seamless integration with all major estimating systems